Before presenting You the offer of window and door KBE profiles, we would like to briefly introduce You to the company, where KBE is one of the most recognised brands, so that You could be assured that it is one of the leading global manufacturers of PVC carpentry.
Profine GmbH – International Profile Group is an international group with the headquarters in Troisdorf in the region of North Rhine – Westphalia, which was founded in 2003 by merging businesses of HT Troplast, and focuses on the production of plastic profiles. KBE, KÖMMERLING and TROCAL are its brands of window and door protective systems, façades and PVC panels.
KBE, however, as a company manufacturing plastics for building and electrical engineering, was founded in 1980. It is now owned by Profine and is no longer just a manufacturing plant. Its activities include also comprehensive advice on all matters relating to a product – from the selection of machines and tools to customised solutions of entire window designs. Attention to quality has been, since its foundation, one of the leading mottoes of the company, evidence of which is the possession of the ISO 9001 certificate since 1993, as one of the first companies in the industry. Experience, knowledge, creativity, flexibility and a wide range of production affect the constantly strengthening position of the Profine group in the global market.
When choosing PVC, you choose:
- reliable and trustworthy material
- resistant to weather, the passage of time
- fireproof
- non-corrosive
- non-oxidizing
- indifferent to climate change
- where lead additives in most systems have been eliminated and replaced with calcium-zinc stabilizers
- good electrical, thermal and acoustic insulator
- water-proof and smoke-proof material
- flexible in processing – it can create untypical windows
- with a wide RAL pallet colours and large number of wood veneers
- with the possibility of coloring in the mass, which in combination with the veneer makes any dents in the profile during the exploitation of the windows almost unnoticeable
- generally attractive price
- easy to clean and maintain
- suitable for recycling in 100%
The KBE windows are Greenline ones, i.e.:
- Lead-free
- Created on a German profile
- Colour durability (titanium white)
- With original, factory-mounted seals
What does this mean in practice?
The producers of the windows on the KBE profile show great attention to ecology and health, as well as safety. By producing profiles without the addition of lead, the amount of heavy metals entering the environment is limited, in addition to preventing diseases caused by lead.
The automated process of assembling seals, subject to restrictive regimes of production, ensures their high durability, lifespan and quality, thus allowing you to avoid the effect of aging and the need to replace a seal.
High quality and prestige of the windows (“made in Germany”) contributes to the fact that in the case of KBE windows there is no deterioration of window quality and, as a consequence, of the rapid depreciation of windows, for example, in the case of reselling property.
Constant colour retention of white profiles over the years is yet another, very aesthetic argument in favour of the windows in the Greenline technology.
Where are they used?
Wherever safety and health protection are important, i.e. especially in hospitals, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, and also, in a wider perspective, the countries with a valid ban on the use of lead profiles (Denmark).
They are chosen by practical people, at home and abroad, with a view to a long-term use of windows, valuing the German high quality, opting for tightness, durability and lack of discolouration of both seals and profiles (whole window).